Okay.. finally an update all thanks to roy a.k.a dong on the tagboard (ppl go thank him hahas)
that taggy thingy
1.What is your full name?
Dai Murong
2.Are you single?
Nah~hahas once but not now..
3.What is your favourite number(s)
maybe 21?Since a lot of people I know have the number 21 in their bdaes =P otherwise I dont ostracise any numbers haha
4.What is/are your favourite colour?
Well..I like light blue,sky blue,blue blue blue!!
5.Least favourite colour(s)?
I have something against pink..Oops..as in mainly hot pink..
6.What are you thinking now?
How am I going to clean up the looks like war mess in my room..
7.Are you happy with your life now?
Well...quite happy (apart frm how on earth am i going to get my parents to sign my report card?)
8.What are you favourite subjects in school?
MMMmmm..chinese!Oops hahas..GP?Ahhh...
9.Do you shop at malls?
Once in a while if my allowance can take it
10.Where do you wish to be right now?
Addy's house =x I want watch movie!!Or..if he is working T.T..I rather might as well just stay at home and clean my rm..
11.What should you be doing now?
DONT REMIND ME!!Cleaning my room T.T
12.Do you have a crush on anyone?
Eh...I have a bf does that count?
13.When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
Cant rmb..mm this month?Before lihe went overseas..
14.What was the last thing you drank?
Plain water HA!!
15.Do you hate liars?Do you hate backstabbers?
YES I hate backstabbers...but they must have some misunderstanding or else why would they backstab?As for liars mmm depends on whether it is for a good reason..but why not talk it out?
16.Can you make yourself sneeze?
Never tried before but I am currently sneezing like crazy due to sinus or flu or cold -.-
17.Do you fall for people easily?
If lihe were to answer for me it would be yes..mmm not exactly..
18.What does your last text msg read?
Oh that..lolx.."Ahhhhhh!!Jus now gt large wasp in my rm flying, then I ran out my rm screaming then it chase after me until I reach the toliet then it flew out of the window.."
19.Are you too forgiving?
I think so...
20.How many windows are open on your computer?
2...dong's blog to copy and this to type haha
21.Who was you last call from?
Addy last night at 1053pm after his work xD
22.What do you do with most of your time?
Gaming~~Cant blame me for being in Egaming/Auxilion or Sleeping?Haha
23.Will you and your ex get back again?
ERM...not applicable lala
24.Do you sleep with the Tv on?
So far?Nope =)
25.Which of your close friends live the closest?
Close friend?Lihe.And ya considered living the closest (even if its like 3 bus stops away)
26.Which item could you not live during the day?
MMmm hp?My dearest lappy!!Spectacles!
27.Would you share a drink with a stranger?
Can.Unless that person after drinking leaves saliva into the drink...
28.How was your weekend?
I spending it now and I think its gonna be quite normal..
29.Do you believe that ex(s) be friends?
Why not?The only problem is whether the other party wants or not
30.The last person you quarrelled with?
My mum over the cleaniness of my rm and about gaming and studies..
31.The way to win my heart?
Be true..Sensitive..Loyal..Be something like the giraffe in madacascar escape to africa..Damn sweet..remembers all her favourite things jus by plain observation..awwww..and oh ya be as crappy and random as me lolx
32.What did you do last night?
Play dota to try out lich and ouch I rather use crystal maiden..
33.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
34.Are you looking for a bf/gf?
Nope again cus I already have a wonderful one =P (mushy mushy woh)
35.One song that is meaningful to you?
Apologise by timberland?关怀方式,夜的第七章..and more?
36.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
Both as long as I can get it into my mouth!!
37.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
Ya..(what sort of Qns is this?O.o)
38.How long is your hair?
Mmm am I supposed to take a ruler and measure?If I let down..slightly below my shoulder..
39.Do you like batman?
HUH????Neutral I guess
40.Who was the last person who told you that they love you?
Addy..jus yesterday =P
41.When was the last time you sang out loud?
One week ago when there was 歌台 below my house and I decided to sing out loud to counter their blasting of music till 11pm...
42.What did you have for breakfast?
Porridge..with carrots and erm erm bao..
43.Is you birthday a holy day?
Close to chinese new year and valentine's..isnt it holy?Or more of the day I was born!!OF course its holy!!!
44.Can you cook?
Mmmm ya not fully trained though..
45.Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
At home now?I am not wearing a shirt..more like a gown =x..from grandma in china..
46.What was the reason for the last troubles you were in?
Studies and cleaniness of my room lolx
47.What do your wear more?Sweats or jeans?
48.When is your birthday?
..........4th of Feb 1991!!
49.Do you swear a lot?
Well..I try to keep them in especially since I am a girl..but you know you know environment influence once in a while..(btw is shit considered?)
50.What was your first alocoholic drink?
Tiger beer when I was small arnd age 7?Yucky because it is bitter..
51.Do you have any regrets?
If giving up art was considered one..ya apart but what over is over no pointing crying over spilled milk
52.Who would you like to see now?
My close friends and Addy(working)..Lihe(overseas in china sadly..) Keith (playing asdsa story) Eugene (overseas in germany)..mmm..and Auxilion members..how I wish we have an outing..
53.Have the cops ever come to your house?
Nope..but the ambulance?Ya sec 4..thanks to me not looking after my bro well enough I guess...
54.Are you a social or anti-social person?
Half half cus I like making friends and all but sometimes like to have time for myself too
55.Who are your best friends?Are you still friends with them?
56.Ever been in love?
Ya~~~Now of course
57.Ever had braces?
58.What do you wear to bed?
Gown...or tshirt and shorts
59.Who was the last person who disappointed you?
Mum...why cant we understand each other?
60.Do you trust people?
61.Who was the first person you talked to today?
Mum lolx room cleaniness
62.Who was the first person who texted you today?
Addy because I msg him about the wasp incident
63.What was the first thing you did today?
Open my eyes, drag myself from bed..go brush teeth wash face..eat then turn on computer and bloghop and type this post..
64. Any last words?
I got this urge to kill roy for making me type this whole chunk out!!RAWR!!
65. 5 people to tag(seems like sabo):
1)Addy?(he sure lazy bother to finish the questions and falls asleep)
2)Jiarong (hehe sabo!!!A levels over of course got a lot of time ma~~)
3)Yuge (You seem very free huh?)
4)Denise(Dont kill me!!)
5)Dont wan sabo anymore la Oops
To end off..mm *bites

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